
cosa nostra “科薩諾斯特拉”〔美國黑手黨犯罪集團的秘密代號,1962...


The leaning tower was reportedly one of the targets of a string of bombings carried out by the sicilian mafia in 1993 though it was not hit . attack on italy ' s cultural heritage , cosa nostra planted bombs at the uffizi gallery in florence as well as near two churches in rome 在一次旨在破壞意大利文化遺產的規模空前的襲擊中, “科薩諾斯特拉”美國黑手黨犯罪集團的秘密代號在佛羅倫薩的烏菲爾美術館和羅馬的兩個教堂附近安放了炸彈。

In an unprecedented attack on italy ' s cultural heritage , cosa nostra planted bombs at the uffizi gallery in florence as well as near two churches in rome 在一次旨在破壞意大利文化遺產的規模空前的襲擊中, “科薩?諾斯特拉” (美國黑手黨犯罪集團的秘密代號)在佛羅倫薩的烏菲爾美術館和羅馬的兩個教堂附近安放了炸彈。

Sicily ' s entrepreneurs pay cosa nostra an estimated euro8 billion ( $ 12 billion ) a year 西西里的企業家每年大概會向“科薩?諾斯特拉”組織支付80億歐元。

One is the power vacuum in cosa nostra caused by mr lo piccolo ' s arrest 其一,魯?皮科洛先生被捕之后, “科薩?諾斯特拉”組織出現幫內的“權力真空” 。